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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"Lemur" - Deborah's Newest Painting

I sent Deborah the following E-Mail:
Currently, our theater group is doing "Mame", and somehow this painting seems very much in the spirit of "Mame", but I wanted to ask a question. What is the name of the ship in the background? (the pixellation prevents me from determining it). Probably not Titanic????

The connection between the lemur and the rest of the painting is elusive (by design of course - one of these things is different). So, I'm thinking:
  • Everyone comes from Madagascar (probably not true);
  • The lemur is an alien import, like cane toads and tumbleweed (seems unlikely);
  • We all descend from a common ancestor some 30 million years ago (likely true, but irrelevant);
  • Lemurs are a fashion accessory (likely true, but irrelevant);
  • They are all creatures of the night (likely true, and more relevant).

    In any event, it's a nice painting!
Deborah replies:
> What is the name of the ship in the background? (the pixellation prevents me from determining it). Probably not Titanic????
No, it is HMS Queen Mary to commemorate B/D spent on board in Long
Beach with my niece.

> They are all creatures of the night (likely true, and more relevant).
This + the fact I love their stare.

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