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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Funny, It Doesn't Seem That Lonely...

If no one is in the forest to hear a tree fall, did it?:
If you hang around TV people long enough, you learn some wild things. My favorite fact, after two weeks of meetings, chatting and general hanging out with television executives, producers and stars, is this:

Only 8 percent of Americans read blogs. Eight percent. For all the energy that TV networks -- not to mention political operations and, frankly, newspapers and other news organizations -- put into the blogosphere, it's a tiny percentage of people who even notice.

That came from CBS chief research officer David Poltrack and MRI Research, a respected New York firm that sampled 20,000 people.

"One of the things that's probably overstated by the press is how many people are visiting online blogs," Poltrack said in a presentation to TV critics. "I think you all blog each other, but I'm not sure the rest of the world is joining in the process that much."

In a conversation later, Poltrack said he would guess the majority of people who do read blogs are bloggers themselves.

"That does not leave a whole lot of real people who spend their time with blogs," he said.

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