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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tappy, The Most Determined Bird On Mt. Glorious

Whee-ooo-wheet! Whee-ooo-whee-ooo-whee-ooo-wheet!

Every morning, and often every afternoon, Tappy, Andrew's nemesis, flutters and taps against the windows of Andrew's home. Tappy is captivated by his reflection, probably mistaking the image for another bird, but sometimes Tappy flutters before dawn, suggesting that his behavior is now compulsive.

It's not clear what kind of bird Tappy is. He's very pretty, with his yellow breast - I'm guessing a Rufous Whistler.

Andrew once captured Tappy and drove him 30 miles from home. Andrew had a day of peace, before Tappy flew the way back and began tapping again.

Whee-ooo-wheet! Whee-ooo-whee-ooo-whee-ooo-wheet!

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