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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Left To My Own Devices

Left: Conrad's Casino, Queensland Treasury Building at night

Today, Andrew has left to travel to the USA, so I'm now alone for a few days, the Mad Master of Mt. Glorious.

After dropping Andrew off at the airport, I briefly toured Brisbane's northern suburbs, but decided to leave the vehicle at the end of the Ferny Grove train line rather than continue random driving experiments. A vehicle is great to have if you know where you are going, but they are an accident waiting to happen if you are clueless in an urban setting. Instead, I've taken the train into downtown Brisbane, to blog and to sightsee on the southern and northern banks of the Brisbane River.

I ate breakfast at Conrad's Treasury, the former Queensland Treasury turned into a casino. I had some toast, hash browns, sausage, and eggs (and fried tomato too, because that's what they do here), when I saw - it. The Vegemite. A packet of Kraft Food's Vegemite. Vegemite is supposed to be best on toast. Toast, meet Vegemite; Vegemite, toast.

So, I smeared the car grease on the toast and tasted it. Well, it's not the worst thing I've ever eaten, but it's far from the best either. Very salty. The smell is - indescribable. It smells like Vegemite. The taste makes me shiver.

I told the waitress about the experiment, and she laughed. "I LOVE Vegemite!", she said, but then upon looking at the smothered toast, added "but you must use it SPARINGLY!"

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