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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Becca's Article Is Out!

Left: Thursday night, October 19th, at the Crest Theater in downtown Sacramento, after the screening of "The Day Arnold Schwarzenegger Kissed My A**". Tanned, rested, ready, (and sexy, if I may say so), the Class of 2003 reunites!

Left to right, former gubernatorial candidates Gerold Gorman, Lorraine (Abner Zurd) Fontanes, Cheryl Bly-Chester, and Marc Valdez. Photo taken with Ab Zurd's camera (but by whom? Becca?), and provided by Ab Zurd Fontanes.

Here's the link to Becca Costello's column regarding the Sacramento preview of 2003 California Gubernatorial candidate Lorraine (Abner Zurd) Fontanes' movie "The Day Arnold Schwarzenegger Kissed My A**".

Sorry, that's "The Day Arnold Schwarzenegger Kicked My A**" (we'll have to wait for the sequel for the former).

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