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Friday, September 15, 2006

Tropical Storm Lane - A Hurricane John Doppelganger?

After my Hurricane John forecasting debacle, I wanted the Pacific to just shut up for awhile, but the Pacific has other ideas.

Tropical Storm Lane may be following a similar path to Hurricane John, and may well end up in the same place, bumping up the Baja coast, and crashing into Sonora and Sinaloa, causing even more flooding excitement in the El Paso, TX area.

Once again, there are indications that the storm may perturb AZ, without actually hitting it very hard. There's even a smaller satellite storm forecast to be located to the west of Hurricane Lane, and interacting with it in a complex way, akin to Hurricane Kristy and its complex interactions with Hurricane John.

I'm bitter, but still hoping for rain. That, after all, is the time-honored Arizona way!

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