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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Time For Action

Time to boycott Disneyland and Disney World, and as many Disney products as we can think of.

Actually, Hollywood has long used various artifices to tell history, including made-up characters, time compression, and altogether-false retelling of stories, in order to to make the action more dramatic and compelling. Using these same artifices for 9/11 won't work, however, since the principals are all very much alive, and the stories fairly well-understood already.

Plus, it's all done with the intention of blaming the Clinton Administration for everything, and doing so with blatant falsehoods. This 9/11 TV show is being distributed free in schools as history too!

If historical inaccuracies and conservative outrage were enough to get CBS to offload its history of the Reagan's to Cable TV, liberal outrage should be enough to provoke a response here (unless, of course, the media's conservative bias hasn't already locked this smear into place).

What the corporate world won't do for the Bush Administration! Send an E-Mail with your complaints!

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