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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Steve Irwin State Memorial Today

In Queensland, with 5000 guests. 300 million are forecast to watch on Australian and international TV. PM John Howard, among many others, will attend. Speculation focuses on whether or not Irwin's daughter, Bindi, will speak.

Listening to B105.3, I've been trying to log the advertisements they feature on Brisbane's premier pop music station, for a variety of products, including:
  • a weight loss program;
  • a credit card;
  • a Comedy Club;
  • B105's 'Shag Me, Bag Me' amateur beauty promo;
  • a theme song contest for 'Neighbours';
  • two different kinds of sun tan body lotions;
  • the Hard Rock Cafe;
  • Harvey Norman stores;
  • career opportunities for personal trainers;

but most surprisingly, given the radio station's demographics;

  • a self-help, will-making kit.

Hmmm...... Something Irwin could have used, but perhaps neglected to do.

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