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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Rio Linda High School Craziness

E. calls today, at noontime, and says that all hell has broken out Rio Linda High School. Yesterday, they caught a student with a gun. Today, with reports that shooting is imminent, dozens of screaming parents are demanding that their kids be released from classes, cops are swarming the campus, students are being hauled into a stockroom for confidential questioning, and both KXTV-10 and KCRA-3 television trucks are present, with reporters filing video feed.

Ah! The good olde days! Reminds me of my high school, in Albuquerque. I remember one morning in 1973, when one student shot another in the West Mesa High School gym. When our school bus rolled up to the school to let us off, marksmen were on all the rooftops. But we were tough. None of us dreamed of calling our parents.

Tough - or stupid?

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