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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Darling Private Eye, And I

Walt in South Carolina was most insistent:

Hey, you guys need to watch Death Sandwich. The [woman] who plays ... Vivian Devereux is a 21-year old lady named Valerie Battenfeld. I've known her since she was 3, and I've taken six vacations out west with her and her family. She has collected fluorite at Bingham and she's taken a insider's tour of TERA!
(For those of you who are, sadly, not in the know, those are important mining and explosives research landmarks in the vicinity of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, NM.)

Here is a synopsis of the movie:
Synopsis: A film noir musical comedy. Detective Malcolm "Mac" Drake battles the vermin of a corrupt city, armed with nothing but clever wordplay and the majesty of song. And a gun.
I had some trouble getting the movie to run: I have Active-X Control disabled on my computer, but is that what the error message said? No! Instead, it said: Error opening content: ioerror (MP4) (id=0x20004).

In any event, I Shanghaied someone else's computer and saw the film. Quite good! Reminds me of what we do at DMTC, due to the singing and especially since 'The Chief' looks like Justin Dunworth. The two songs, "My Private Eye and I" and "You Can't Keep Up With Me In Bed" are.....um......interesting.

Send Valerie out here, to Davis, CA, and we'll put her in a musical!

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