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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lazy California Meteorologist Blows Phoenix Forecast

Deborah in Ahwatukee writes:
Some delicious rain on Monday night--just wanted to mention. About 4 hours worth. Thunderstorm right now!
I reply: Cool!

It looks as if you might not get rain today where you are, unless the rain comes from the SW, from the general direction of Yuma. The winds are pretty zonal today, so all those thunderstorms on the eastern horizon are blowing away from you, towards the Rim. It's going to be wild and wet up there today, though!

The general weather picture is very similar to the picture four weeks ago. Instead of Hurricane Emilia, we have Hurricane Ileana spinning away west of Baja. And lots of rain in eastern AZ, and on the Rim.

It's been striking how wet it's been in the El Paso, TX area - some of the wettest weather ever seen over there!

Deborah is not impressed with the forecast, though:
Too late--it POURED here!! About 9 AM. Doug had to wait 20 mins. to get out of his car in N. Phx--mostly wading lakes--his shoes. It's all good!
Once again, I see you are trying to confuse me between what I see on the Internet with mere facts. Hah! It won't work! I am a meteorologist! (A meteorologist who wasn't paying sufficient attention until the storm blew past). But nevermind! It IS conceivable it might rain again today, though, if storms get started this afternoon towards the SW. And like you say, it's all good!

Deborah replies:
Ha and double ha--I'm looking right at sprinkles on the patio!!!

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