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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Forced Abortions For Christ

Yesterday, I was destroying old letters sent to me years ago by a family friend. My friend is an evangelical Christian, and a member of the 700 Club, and is most concerned about Evolution and Secular Humanism. Nevertheless, I wonder what he would think of Tom DeLay, Ralph Reed, Frank Abramoff, and Rocklin's own John Doolittle, in regard to the Northern Marianas Island sweatshops?

Out of economic desperation, many poorly-paid immigrant women workers slipped into prostitution, were then forced to have abortions in order to keep sewing, and then were subsequently used to support evangelical missions in their home countries. Forced Abortions for Christ! And it's clear these Republican statesmen of ours saw the Northern Marianas Islands as a laboratory of the deregulated labor-market vision they wanted to impose on the rest of the United States. Creeps all!

A vote against Rocklin's own John Doolittle this November is a vote against forced abortions.

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