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Friday, July 28, 2006

What Goes Around Comes Around

Gabe notes that today is the 212th anniversary of the death of Maximilien Robespierre. Max's most famous quote:
Terror is only justice that is prompt, severe and inflexible.

Terror without virtue is disastrous; virtue without terror is powerless.
Gabe is much too cheerful about this dark day's anniversary. I wonder if Gabe is a closet Girondist. I know he's fond of the Vendée. As Maximilien might have said (if he could have talked through his busted teeth): Beware the Ides of Thermidor!:
Robespierre was the next day taken before the tribunal, and without trial he was guillotined, face up and screaming in pain from his injured jaw according to reports, with Couthon and Saint-Just and nineteen others of his adherents on the Place de la Révolution on the 10th Thermidor An II (July 28, 1794). His corpse and head both are buried in the common cemetery of Errancis, today Place de Goubeaux, and the spot is covered by an unmarked gravestone.

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