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Thursday, July 27, 2006


By Deborah McMillion-Nering.

A desert painting for people like me, who forget what those big tall cactus-thingies - yeah, saguaro! - are called.....

I'm like that dessicated fish: fried brain, too damn dry, and rotting from the head down.....

Regarding weather, storms are late firing up today on the Rim. Last night's MCC is actively-suppressing convection in a ring just beyond its edge, so before it can start storming again, the MCC has to completely move out of the way. It has to be completely gone before convection can really get going in AZ. It's just barely out of the way right now, and so while there are some clouds up on the North Kaibab Plateau right now, the clouds on the Rim are only now just getting going. So, maybe rain in the Valley of the Sun after sunset, or in the early morning hours, like last night.

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