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Monday, June 05, 2006

MikeMac Visits John Hancock

After seeing Julie Kaplan's message, MikeMac went down to talk to John Hancock himself:
Went to see John just after hearing about this. He's surprisingly lucid and was moving around a bit (he even sort of stretched his left arm across his body to his other arm. He was able to carry on conversations, but the painkillers are making it pretty difficult for him to focus, but he very definitely recognized me (when I greeted him, his eyes flew open and he said, "MikeMac? I love MikeMac! Where's Lauren?")

His voice is quiet and raspy, and his breathing seems labored, but he still enunciates very well (thank you, theatre training). John kept asking for ice for his mouth, and we eventually talked the nurse into giving him ice a day ahead of schedule. He was in heaven with the ice. He was joking with us, as well. His mother said that one of his brothers would be flying up this weekend to visit him, and John said, "That's so sweet [...] but I'm still the best son."

He also said that he doesn't "like the way [his] body hurts." He seemed pretty exhausted after talking to us for a while, so we let him get some rest. Barbara will be staying with him most of today. The doctors came in for a little while and said that he was doing "just great". Swing on by and say "Hi!"

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