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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

John Hancock In Surgery Today

Message this morning from Juan Ramos:
The surgery scheduled originally scheduled for Thursday has been moved up to today for John. Your thoughts and prayers on this operation to his right hip and pelvis as it is a very important surgery for John and in my mind his most serious fracture. I also would not encourage any visitors today because of the length of the surgery itself and the much needed recovery period. It has been a good week for John primarily because of the removal of his respiratory tube. He has had many visitors and has greeted them all by name. It has been good for everyone who has visited him to see and hear him talk, smile and laugh even has he has faded in and out because of his pain medication. This may be the last surgery he will have at UCD and there is a possibility he may be transferred to a Kaiser facility within the next week or two. Which facility that will be, I do not know at this point.

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