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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Is This Woman The Antichrist?

I had trouble last week with blurred images on my camera, but that was because I went to the Madonna concert, and I'm pretty damned ignorant about my own camera, and Madonna was moving all over the place, and besides, we know Madonna couldn't be the Antichrist (could she?), but what about this woman?:
A candidate less likely to be the antichrist is Brighton pensioner June Dumas. The retired nurse, who was born weighing 6lbs 6oz at 6am on 6 June 1940, is 66 today.

Ms Dumas has had no problems with evangelicals picketing her home in Hove, east Sussex, but nevertheless faces this birthday with dread. "I have a got funny feeling it could be my expiry date," she said. "I have always thought that 66 would be it. My mum, who was a psychic, told me to watch myself when I turned 66 because of the date. I am superstitious and really quite concerned about it. It's silly really."

She added: "I plan to take things really easy. I'm intending to do all my jobs today so that I don't have to use the car tomorrow because I've had a few nasty accidents in the past."

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