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Saturday, June 10, 2006


Stumbling through the book department of the large retail store, I came upon Ann Coulter's new book "Godless - The Church of Liberalism."

What should one do when coming upon a book written by a thoroughly-objectionable person? In a civilized society, there should be a tolerance of ideas, but some ideas are quite evil, and indeed, if applied faithfully, would see oneself eradicated (e.g., a recent, widely-advertised conservative T-Shirt slogan "Imagine - No Liberals", or Rush Limbaugh pining for the exile of all liberals). What should one do, for example, upon finding a best-selling version of "Mein Kampf?" These days, Ann Coulter is busy trying to restore the reputation of the late, not-so-great junior Senator from Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, the alcoholic red-baiter who needlessly destroyed the reputations of many innocent people. I'm certain Coulter has no respect for people like me, and as a self-respecting liberal, I shouldn't have any for her either, and indeed, for anyone who sells her book.

So, I toyed with the idea of defacing several of her books, but upon noticing a nearby garbage can, I instead discarded two tomes as surreptitiously as I could on a busy shopping day. Send a message! Fight back against the conservatives' dream of a 'final solution'!

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