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Monday, May 15, 2006

"Wizard of Oz" Strike

(Left) Jason 'Clocky' McDowell (Tin Man) and Kevin Caravalho (Scarecrow) lament the end of the Yellow-Brick road.

Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14th: last show for the Wizard! A lot of good times for the folks involved!

Kevin's got a number of bruises from his energetic portrayal of the Scarecrow over the last month. Question is, was Kevin's entertainment/bruise ratio high enough? Only the audience can answer that question, but I suspect the answer is yes!

Brittney Almendariz, who was in the show, entertained her friends afterwards by flipping across the lobby floor. Pretty amazing!

I'm worried that we didn't stay at the Theater nearly long enough to give it a proper cleaning, even just a good Wizard cleaning. Everyone was too much in a hurry to get to Steve's Pizza, Board members included. Keeping the place clean is, and remains, a challenge!

"Scruffy", who shared the role of "Toto".

Buffee Gillihan (Wicked Witch of the West), and who, incidentally, was Miss El Dorado County, 1999, poses with The Lullaby League, the Almendariz sisters: Brittney (age 10), and twin sisters Paige and Macy (age 8).

Alissa Steiner (Dorothy), and co-star.

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