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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Two... Three Things We Can Do

The first impulse everyone in the Sacramento Musical Theater community felt upon hearing of John and Juan's car crash was 'what can I do to help?' We have sufficient nerve to wave magic wands, like a Congress of Glindas, and try to make things better, but alas, we are amateurs, not surgeons, and not even as skilled as Celtic Druid shamans, and thus our magic only goes so far.

There are two things we can do as a community, however. The first is to support Lambda Players and see "Take Me Out." Juan will be back onstage this weekend. Our understanding is that Stage Manager Noemi Rios found a replacement for John, and let's do what we can to support him: the stage can be scary place for an understudy.

The second thing was suggested by Ben Wormeli:
I was trying to think of something I could do to help this morning, and I realized one thing I do for DMTC might help here. If any of you wonderful singers would like to serenade John with a lullabye as he recovers, or something more upbeat when he's conscious and feeling better, I would be happy to accompany you on the guitar. It's not a piano, but it's very portable. It's probably not something we can do in the ICU, but perhaps once he's out. Let me know. I would be happy to do this, day or night.

I can start bringing my guitar and my musicals "fake" book to work here in Sacramento everyday so I'm always ready when you are. Please pass this on to anyone else you think might be interested in doing this.
MikeMac thinks it's a great idea:
I love it! It's also something he could join in on when he's feeling better, and might help his diaphragm recover from all the surgeries he's had/is going to need. It might also be a good idea to bring him tapes of shows he's missing, along with live commentary from visiting cast members. Anyone interested in this should contact Ben.
I can pass along any messages to Ben - E-Mail Marc Valdez at mvaldez@sierraresearch.com

Plus, Ryan Adame is gathering signatures on the matte surrounding a framed photograph of John. The photograph is available at DMTC's Theater in Davis:
I had a picture of John blown up (20" x 30") (double-fisting some drinks at Mike & Lauren's bachelor/bachelorette party -- in true John style!) yesterday, with a tons and tons of room on the mat for people to sign. The picture will be at the theatre through Sunday. I sent Steve an e-mail to send to the entire DMTC list, so look for that too, but please come by as you are able and leave a note, etc. for John.

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