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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Take Me Out"

(Left) Group shot of all the actors who play team members of the New York Empires (based loosely on the New York Yankees). Front row from left to right: Russ Marsh, John Hancock, Ethan Proa. Back row standing from left to right: David Memmler, Brent Reese, Juan Ramos, Curtis Brown, Robbie Raaf and Justin Wilhelm.

Courtesy of Juan Ramos, here is a promo shot from Lambda Player's "Take Me Out." According to Juan:
We opened last weekend to very responsive audiences with a sold out audience on Saturday. A very intense and adult drama.
It runs through June 17th with a Sunday matinee on May 21st and June 4th at 2427 17th St, Sacramento, CA!

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