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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

John Hancock Update

The word this weekend from several visitors was that John 'turned a corner' in his progress, meaning his condition has stabilized and is no longer quite as precarious as last week. His eyes are open now.

This morning, John Hancock is in surgery, to address his hip and pelvic injuries (there wasn't much time to address these problems last week). Here is a message direct from Juan Ramos:
He is scheduled for surgery today at about 10:00 a.m. to address the injuries to both hips and his pelvis. This will be about 6 to 8 hours, visits should be scheduled for after 7:00 p.m. tonight. He had a day of respite from every-other-day surgeries because of the Memorial Day holiday. I was with him last night from 9:00 p.m. to midnight and despite the heavy sedation he was very slowly blinking his eyes in response to my voice, for which I was grateful. It will be awhile before he can come out of the sedation and the anesthesia from surgeries. UCD staff has been absolutely incredible and continue to address his injuries as rapidly as they can while continuing to keep him stable which is quite a balancing act. The doctors did say he has "turned the corner." I continue to encourage his numerous friends and loved ones to visit him and talk to him even though he is under sedation. I know it has been and will be a very important part of his healing. You may call 734-2848 beforehand to make sure he out of the operation room and in his room.

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