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Thursday, May 25, 2006

John Hancock Update

Portions of MikeMac's morning E-Mail:
So I talked to Juan today, around 8:30 or so. He says John got a glowing report from the nurses last night. He seems to be steadily, if slowly, improving. The physician says ... that the next few days should be "rest days" from the surgeries. On Saturday, the physician expects all of John's traumatized systems to begin working on their own again, including the kidneys and his lungs (I believe). There is still no ETA on consciousness.

...As Marc noted, they were showing pictures of the wrecked BMW. It's a miracle of German engineering that John is alive. The driver's seat was pushed all the way back, almost in the back seat, but the steering wheel and column were crushed into the front dash, probably still a comfortable arm's length from the seat. The Buick crashed it's midsection into John's corner of the car. R. said the Buick had a "Vee-shaped" dent in the front. There are several scratches and dents on the hood where they assume the BMW slid on the ground, although the police reconstruction & diagram says they flipped anywhere from 1 to 4 times. The pictures are probably not for the squeamish; they're kind of scary to think of John inside it.

...Juan will be performing in "Take Me Out" tonight, but I believe it's sold out to a group which always buys a large block of tickets to Lambda Players shows. It might be a good idea to go see John tonight, if possible, since it's unknown just how many people will be at the hospital or at "Take Me Out", but we should try to see it sometime in the next couple weeks.
Yesterday afternoon, when several people were passing around photos of the car, someone else also remarked on how the front seat was pushed into the back seat. From my perspective, the opposite observation seemed more notable, how there was still space between the front seat and the back seat. It showed how, excepting around the driver's feet, the eggshell-like passenger compartment held together, despite the intense impact.

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