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Friday, May 26, 2006

John Hancock Update

More this morning from MikeMac:
John is doing very well. Late last night, he squeezed both Lauren's and mine hands. The nurse says he's off main sedation, meaning he's no longer being kept under, but since his kidneys aren't filtering the chemicals out so well, they're still keeping him down. I hope (and the nurse concurs) that dialysis today will put out a lot of the chemicals and we'll see more response from him. However, he is scheduled for some surgeries today around noon; the doctors are hoping to take care of his pelvic fracture, right upper arm fracture, and take a look at his left (I think) ankle to see if there's anything to be done other than keeping it in one place like they're doing now. It's probable that this anesthesia will add to the other drugs in his system and set him back on the "wake-up" timetable. However, with his kidneys starting back up, we may not have long to wait anyways.

The doctor came in last night to check on him a bit, and asked John to open his eyes, and he did! This is a Very Very Good Thing, since it means John is capable of hearing us and respond to commands. We're all very excited about it!

He's almost breathing on his own. The respiratory technician said that John was initiating the breathing pretty much entirely by himself, but the respirator was still supplying "high backup pressure", which is taken to mean the machine is pushing air into his lungs, but is waiting for John to start the breath, so his lungs are starting to come back. If you go in there and look at the screen, there's a green line with a few purple streaks in it... the purple is apparently his lungs sucking on the respirator vent.

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