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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Illuminati Did It

K. pulled me aside and showed me his big new book that purports to show the Illuminati caused 9/11. Looking at the book, I realized that its true value lay in assembling and articulating all the doubts and illogical leaps of faith involved in believing everything we've been told about 9/11. There is so much we don't know, even five years later. You don't have to flail in the darkness at the Illuminati to want answers. I might give the book a peek.

Talking about portents, June 6, 2006 approaches:
But Kerry Noble, a Texas businessman whose life has changed dramatically since the days he was second in command of a paramilitary religious group known as the Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord, said June 6 carries much significance to fringe groups that may be looking to make a statement.

"Numbers are important in the movement," Noble said. "So anything you could interpret as being symbolic would be even more important. So a symbolic date like June 6 of this year, being 666, would have the equivalence of a 9/11 date or an April 19 date."

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