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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What's With All These Strange Things?

What's with all the bald men, and the one's who shave their heads? I saw two bald, well-dressed guys walking together down the sidewalk, one in his 20's and the other in his 40's, almost like master and disciple. Cute, but what's with that?

And all the possums? Sparky cornered the cutest possum ever in the tool shed two nights ago (I engineered an escape for the baby), and last night I intervened to scare off a lumbering adult possum from crossing 21st Street before oncoming traffic rendered it into faux-armadillo chili. Where are they all coming from? They're almost as common as bald guys!

And K. says he knows someone who's building an Ark. But the rains finally seem to have stopped. So, didn't the guy get the memo? What's up with that?

And why do I sound like Andy Rooney? What gives?

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