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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So, Who's Responsible?

So, how much responsibility should Forrest C. Mims III take for the death threats now hounding Eric Pianka for his population control opinions? That has always been the problem when thugs take control over political debate. How much blame should the instigator take, even if the instigator wasn't directly involved at all? There have also been reports that random, mostly-uninvolved scientists in the Texas Academy of Sciences are getting harrassing phone calls and even that the Department of Homeland Security was contacted regarding the 'threat' Pianka poses.

Orwell always believed that the instigators of harrassment often know far more than they let on regarding what other people do in their name. Mims has some explaining to do. If not, all's fair, and there's no reason he can't suffer in return.

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