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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Safe Teeth

Mercury amalgams appear to be safe for kids:
Two long-awaited, government-funded studies found no evidence that dental fillings containing mercury can cause IQ-lowering brain damage or other neurological problems in children.
This is good news. I wasn't particularly worried anyway: the dentist has been systematically removing amalgam fillings from my mouth for years, and replacing them with white resin fillings, and I presume the same has been happening among others elsewhere as well.

Yesterday, I got my first white-gold crown for a molar. It looks cool. If I get enough such crowns, maybe I'll look like a rap star. And who knows if they are hazardous? If they are, perhaps I can finally achieve that level of idiocy I've been aiming for all these years. What did she-whose-name-shall-remain-xxxx call me: a 'failed nerd'? Injest enough toxics and maybe she'll end up being right!

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