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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Numerical Harmonic Convergence - The Apocalypse Cometh

Noel is getting excited:
Sometime in the middle of the night tonight, there will be a unique (very unique!) sequence of numbers.

We will have 01:02:03 04/05/06

At 1:02 am (and 3 seconds), the universe (on Pacific Time) will either fall into a state of grace or become a fiery pit of hell (South Park's version, that is).

Then again, maybe nothing will happen since most of us will be asleep.
MikeMac is getting excited:
Hmmm... interesting. The last time this happened was 4/5/1906. Two days after that convergence, as you call it, Mount Vesuvius erupted and killed over 100 people and ejected the most recorded amount of lava in it's history.

Also, almost a fortnight later, in the wee hours of April 18, 1906, San Francisco was devastated by the infamous San Francisco Earthquake.

Disaster Approaches! Repent Now!
Chris isn't that excited yet:
Well two issues:

1) The Europeans won't get the disaster just about a month, because for them April 5, 2006 is just 5/4/6. They will have it on May 4, or 4/5/06.

2) Really it will be 04/05/2006, which isn't as interesting. I'll be more interested when 01:02:03 4/5/6789 happens. And if I'm still alive by then I'll be ready for the apocalypse.
MikeMac says getting excited is the American way:
Your points are appreciated, Chris, although as everyone knows, the "American way", is "the ONLY goddamned way to do things, and you'd better appreciate it or we'll pour napalm down your collective, ungrateful throats".
There's another American approach too. That's to take the warnings literally.

When the planets were going to line up in 1982, I had friends who moved to the hills, to Mountainair, N.M., as early as 1978, in order to avoid the massive tidal wave that would come up the Rio Grande Valley. Nice place, out there on the juniper-studded steppe. Plus, my friend had gone AWOL from Special Forces, so the hills seemed inviting as a place to lie low.

Only one problem with the hills. No jobs. Soon, they were hunting deer out-of-season, in order to keep themselves, and their bitty babies, alive. And then 1982 came - and went - and life went on. I don't know when they returned to the city - I think it was when the military caught up with my friend.

Anyway, it's nice to know the Apocalypse will strike the Americas first, giving the Europeans time to head to the Alps and shoot deer out-of-season.
Chris notes the Earth's rotation:
Well it will also strike by timezone, so use west coasters will have about a 3 hour warning to try and evacuate. I think I'll head to Florence.
MikeMac wonders about exactly what to expect:
Wouldn't it technically run across the surface of the Earth, like the Genesis Effect in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan? Or would it actually go by timezone and suddenly gallumph onto a wide swath of the nation, like so many millions of huge elephants?
Noel looks forward to convivial times:
I'm a bit confused. Is this Apocalypse happening tonight during the harmonic convergence, or sometime in the future? And if it results in death and hell, and we'll probably all be together (well, I guess I should just speak for myself), what, me worry?
I suspect we'll have a little bit of warning. We'll hear a sound like cracking wood in the sky, and then it'll be just like 'To The Lifeboats', with even more people crowding onto the stage from the wings.

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