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Thursday, April 13, 2006

John London Canned

It's tough at the top, but sometimes you just can't help being bad. Too bad for the Bay Area. I know John London was Peter P.'s favorite DJ, and acting at Peter's urging, I even managed to get a couple of minutes on John's show during the 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall campaign!:
Bay Area radio talk show host John London was fired over the weekend by KIFR-FM (106.9) after offering a reward on the air to have talk host Penn Jillette killed.

London said his offer was an ``obviously sarcastic'' response to a show that Jillette did attacking Mother Teresa and calling her a fraud.

A spokesman for CBS-owned KIFR declined to comment.

... On Wednesday, London spent two hours complaining about Jillette's show calling Mother Teresa a fraud. Thursday, at the beginning of his show, he offered ``5,000 dollars to the person that kills Penn Jillette. If he suffers, I'll make it $7,000,'' according to Cruz.

London, reached at his San Francisco home, said the bit was a satrical response to Jillette's attack.

``I was sickened by it,'' said London. ``What he said wasn't satire. He raped her morally, when she couldn't respond.''

Jillette did a bit on his show claiming that Mother Teresa had set up refuges for dying people for her own ``sexual kink'' and ``sexual kicks.'' He also claimed Paris Hilton was morally superior to the sainted nun.

``Paris Hilton is much too moral'' to play Mother Teresa in a movie, said Jillette, whose syndicated show preceded London's Wednesday. ``Mother Teresa was a really bad person.''

... This is the second big firing of a local host at the FM talk station, which calls itself ``Free FM.''

The once popular Darian O'Toole was let go last month after rambling incoherently and falling asleep on her show.

The station's format began in December, in response to Howard Stern leaving the network for satellite radio.

... Its radio ratings have plummeted since losing Stern, and its ``Free FM'' format was a bold attempt to interest a young audience in controversial subjects.

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