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Friday, April 14, 2006

Get Those Pills!

So, what's the street price of diuretics?

Last night, I was jamming to tunes on my headphones while here at work, and I thought "that band's horn player has got just the worst sense of rhythm." Then I realized the insistent honking was my car alarm (I had chosen to park outside the gated parking lot).

Things in my car had been rifled through, but it wasn't until later I realized they had taken my blood pressure medication (apparently the only thing they took). It's a cheap-o medication, and I didn't hesitate to leave it plain view (since I knew what it was), but I hadn't realized that, to grasping passersby, it might look valuable.

Last night, walking past the Runaway Stage Productions rehearsal space, I saw a sight that's unfortunately not unfamiliar, especially in warmer weather: crumbly windshield glass in the gutter, where some parked car was undoubtedly broken into fairly recently.

I hope thieves everywhere in Sacramento take fistfuls of my pills! They deserve the thrill of peeing every five minutes!

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