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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bush Popularity Tanking

Even cheerleader Fox News registers him at 33%:
President Bush’s job approval rating slipped this week and stands at a new low of 33 percent approve, down from 36 percent two weeks ago and 39 percent in mid-March. A year ago this time, 47 percent approved and two years ago 50 percent approved (April 2004).
No President has ever tried to function at levels like this, not even Richard Nixon during Watergate. Indeed, even after Nixon resigned, he still had about a 10% approval rating.

So, what does Bush have up his sleeve? More war, this time with Iran? More Social Security reform? Tax simplification, even though, with recent anti-progressive changes to the tax code, we're already rather close to Steve Forbes Flat-Tax Nirvana? Building a wall at the border?

The long-term trouble with Rove's Bolshevik-style counterintuitive strategy of aggravating partisan differences is that it loses friends and earns you an ocean full of enemies....

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