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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Went To The Dentist

I like going to the dentist. My mother took particular care, during my first visits to the dentist, to make it a fun, happy experience. Dr. Ray was a happy gregarious man. They had 'Highlights' Magazine there, and jigsaw puzzles. Procedures were carefully explained.

Going to the dentist is still a fun time, because Dr. Woo (former Miss San Francisco Chinatown 1986) is gregarious, and they have 'People' Magazine there, and jigsaw puzzles.

Quite unlike the careless way my father introduced me, as a kid, to the barber's chamber of unique horrors, like razors and shaving cream and tall, tall chairs.

Anyway, there's a temporary crown in there, so no sticky, chewy, crunchy food for a month (since that's all I ever eat, it looks like it's time for diet again!) And after three shots worth of painkiller, I won't be winning any diction contests this afternoon: 'De Raiw, Iw Spaiw, Sways Maiwly Iw De Plaiw.'

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