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Monday, March 13, 2006

That Sinking Sensation

Another "Titanic" weekend. A good weekend, with large houses. I messed up a line on Sunday, maybe partly because I was getting emotional and overwrought in 'To The Lifeboats.' When warned by gambler Jay Yates that I could expect him to cheat in our final card game as we sank, instead of saying, 'that's all right, I'm not going to pay you anyway,' I said 'that's all right, we're not going to make it anyway,' which lost a laugh from the gallows humor, but also yielded a sickening moment of dead-seriousness, so it kinda worked. You wouldn't think that kind of mistake would happen towards the end of the run, but strange things can happen onstage!

I wonder if my sadness regarding Katherine's death is affecting my performance?

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