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Friday, March 24, 2006

Here Come The Divorce Lawyers

So many white-collar jobs can be off-shored (Update: sorry, 56 million American jobs, not 56 American jobs, like I first wrote), that only either specialization will save us:
Since education as such won't save us, Blinder recommends a kind of particularized vocational ed. We will have to specialize more, he writes, "in the delivery of services where personal presence is either imperative or highly beneficial. Thus, the U.S. workforce of the future will likely have more divorce lawyers and fewer attorneys who write routine contracts." Now, there's a prospect to galvanize a nation.
or some strategic legwork:

  • We need to entice industry to invest at home by having the government and our public-and union-controlled pension funds upgrade the infrastructure and invest in energy efficiency and worker training.
  • We need to unionize and upgrade the skills of the nearly 50 million private-sector workers in health care, transportation, construction, retail, restaurants and the like whose jobs can't be shipped abroad.
  • And, if America is to survive American capitalism in the age of globalization, we need to alter the composition of our corporate boards so that employee and public representatives can limit the offshoring of our economy.
These days, we don't do strategy. Thus here come the divorce lawyers!

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