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Thursday, March 09, 2006

"Ballets Russes" Comes To Sacramento!

Left: Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine, at the Opera Cinema in San Francisco, last December. Interestingly enough, according to SN&R, Goldfine was once Miss Teenage Sacramento, 1976. Let's give her a big welcome back!

"Ballets Russes," March 10 - 16, at the Crest Theater! A must see!

There have been several wonderful local preview articles in the local press. There was one in the Sacramento Bee recently, and, in the current issue of Sacramento News and Review, there is another. All of the previews have described the ballet documentary in glowing terms, even going so far as calling it a sleeper hit.

The SN&R article also makes an important announcement: Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine, the filmmakers, who live in San Francisco, will be available for questions at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., Friday. Last December, when I saw the documentary in San Francisco, I was startled when both of them appeared for the showing. Their presence lends an entirely-new dimension to the cinematic experience, because you can get some of the backstory of the filmmaking process, firsthand, as well.

By all means, put this on your schedule. I will try to make the 5 p.m. question session (I have 'Titanic' performance later Friday evening, so this will be my only shot to pose stumpers.) Then, all next week, I will drag ALL my friends and acquaintances, dancers or not, to see the show. Then, I will go into the Pyramid Alehouse on K Street, and offer free drinks, but only to those who will come see the show!

See George Zoritch in his prime: the man prima ballerina Maria Tallchief described as "the best-looking man I ever saw in my life!"

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