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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Zombie Mob

Here's an acidic quote I liked from Daily Kos regarding the port deal, and Bush supporters' unwitting role. Really, even Michael Moore couldn't have come up with a better illustration of the power of Middle Eastern oil money to corrupt the American political process. Bin Laden himself has entertained UAE princes at camps in Afghanistan. Wake up, zombie mob!:
The 'trust us on this port deal' meme was never directed at those of us who don't trust Bush and Company to run a Dairy Queen, it was a plea to the Bush-base. That in itself is more evidence of a White House disconnected from reality. The negative reaction among the right-wing faithful was an all too predictable, classic example of the monster turning on its creator: After years of pumping their fawning admirers full of terror and working as hard as they can to blur the distinction between regimes in the Middle East that had nothing to do with 9/11 and the people who did, the Bush Administration shouldn't be surprised that their supporters are unwilling or unable to objectively whip out the analytical razor-blade and expertly split hairs between a nation with direct links to 9/11 and Al Qaeda, and a company owned by that nation's government.

Faced with that self created dilemma, the comically feeble Bush Administration talking point is that the everyday terrorist sympathizer will think better of us if we help further enrich a handful of obscenely wealthy oil Sheiks? Here's an idea for improving our image in the Arab World: Stop torturing Muslims. But either way, it's doubtful the zombie mob that Bush and Rove have spent the last five years shocking back to life care what the citizens of Muslim nations think about the United States.

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