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Thursday, February 16, 2006

View From A Bridge

Chief Officers of HMS Titanic, left to right: Captain E. J. Smith (Richard Spierto), Chief Builder Tom Andrews (Michael McElroy), Owner J. Bruce Ismay (Ben Bruening), First Officer William Murdoch (Chris Neff), Second Officer Charles Lightoller (Jabriel Shelton).

It's hard to resist having a bit of fun....

Capt. Smith: Are there any reports of ice?

Lightoller: Sir, we have several reports of ice at 42 degrees latitude, and just one report, from the French liner Tournant, of ice at 41 degrees.

Capt. Smith: That is so like the French.

Lightoller: Sir, my mother's family is French.

Capt. Smith: My condolences, Mr. Lightoller.

Lightoller: Yes sir. Sorry sir.

Capt. Smith: Mr. Murdoch, do you see any ice?

Murdoch: No sir, but I do see a large, white bird. I've never seen a wingspan so large - it covers the western horizon!

Capt. Smith: Please ask Mr. Fleet to inform the first class with dispatch that a large, white bird is approaching from the west, and that their diligent attention to this hazard is required.

Murdoch: Aye, aye Captain! If you don't mind me saying so, sir, we are blessed with a very attentive first-class on this maiden voyage.

Capt. Smith: Indeed we are, Mr. Murdoch. Indeed we are.

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