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Monday, February 27, 2006

A More Relaxed Schedule For 'Showgirl'?

Kylie's Australian tour may be stretched out to leave R&R time:
[T]he Showgirl show itself certainly won't be scaled down - quite the opposite, it looks set to be revamped and updated - but the tour schedule looks likely to be a lot more relaxed than previously, with large back-to-back blocks of shows being replaced with more spread out dates, giving Kylie chance to regain full health in between, and hence not tiring her out; we all know how Kylie has suffered from exhaustion due to the chaotic scheduling of previous tours. There is no word about exactly how the show will be updated yet, although we were excited to hear that William Baker had been spotted visiting Kylie in Melbourne, and Showgirl must certainly have been one of the many things they must have discussed.
A more-relaxed pace is a good idea. I remember the original schedule: finish in Brisbane and open in Adelaide: the next night! How would that even be physically possible? All that equipment, travelling a thousand miles, supposedly by truck? For everyone's sake, take some time!

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