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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Marlin Fitzwater Reacts

Ronald Reagan's and George H. W. Bush's Press Secretary, Marlin Fitzwater, can't quite believe how bad Cheney and the White House handled this:
"If [Cheney's] press secretary had any sense about it at all, she would have gotten the story together and put it out. Calling AP, UPI, and all of the press services. That would have gotten the story out and it would have been the right thing to do, recognizing his responsibility to the people as a nationally elected official, to tell the country what happened," Fitzwater added.

"Secondly, it would have been confined to the vice president. By not telling anyone for 24 hours, it made it a White House story. Now it has become 'when was the president notified?', 'why didn't he put it out?' It becomes a story about the White House handling of it."

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