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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is It Hitting The Fan Yet?

Maybe so. According to Juan Cole, the bombing of the Askariyah shrine in Samarra has triggered momentous events in Iraq. Iraq, not a terribly stable place, barely under U.S. military control, and after Saddam, a seething cauldron of religious hatred, looks set for a volcanic eruption of violence:
They told B. how the demolition was carried out. You see, it was nothing like a hipshot sneaking up bombing by night. It was meticulous, skilful piece of work, taking a lot of time, the guards knowing all about what was going on. At least that´s what they told him today.

So now they all gather downtown Nejef rallying, preparing a gruesome revenge. Sistani tries hard to stop them, they told him, but the boys won´t listen. They´re heading for Samarra. '

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