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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Flying Monkey Production's Upcoming Musical Revue

On Friday and Saturday of this week, Flying Monkey Productions will be staging a musical revue at DMTC's new Hoblit Performing Arts Center. Three veterans of last summer's DMTC workshop "Bye, Bye Birdie" will be in the show: Ryan Warren, Katherine Vanderford, and Julia Soto. The cast is largely composed of teenagers, but there will be several adult guest stars (e.g., Debbie Vanderford, Kyle Hadley).

I understand Flying Monkey is named after promoter Ryan Warren's first stage role ever, as a flying monkey in "The Wizard of Oz," and is the first group to rent out the Hoblit for any purpose besides DMTC shows.

People are telling me I have no idea how big this thing really is - they apparently have fans. Indeed, there were lots of people practicing yesterday in the lobby of the New Theater whom I did not know. I heard fragments of songs from several different musicals (e.g., "Rent"). Something to look forward to!

I will provide more details regarding times when I learn it.

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