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Monday, February 27, 2006

A Day of Non-Sequiturs

Gabe notes that today is the anniversary of the Reichstag Fire. After throwing today's date around a bit, Gabe has a Guy Fawkes fantasy:
Future news flash: Marc Valdez was found naked behind the State Capitol after a stink bomb went off on December 13, 2006. The Governor declared a state of emergency, dissolved the Legisature, and the people cheered the end of governmental stalemate. Forever after the period of Utopia reigned, and from there on out, every December 13, Marc Valdez is set free on the Capitol grounds to throw a ceremonial stink bomb. After the air clears, the Governor appears to declare a year of prosperity with much rejoicing. Marc Valdez is shown by his side, with mouth gagged, to show a sign of the loyal opposition. With many cheers and hurrahs, Marc is put away for another year to star on a tv show strangely reminiscent of the 1960s: The Prisoner.
I respond: Hurrah, Progress! I like it! Especially the ceremonial part (being chased naked by a big balloon in public somehow excites me...)

Gabe responds with a Wikipedia reference to 'The Simpsons':
Another episode, "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes", had the final act completely based on The Prisoner. Homer became trapped on an island which was similar to the Village and Patrick McGoohan even reprised his role as Number 6 (Homer was Number 5). While on the island, some of the reasons for prisoners being there were revealed. Number 27 could turn water into gasoline, Number 12 knew the deadly secret behind Tic Tacs, and Number 6 invented the bottomless peanut bag. While trying to escape, Homer was pursued by Rover and easily popped it with a plastic fork. The episode ends with Homer returning to Springfield, only to be abducted again, this time with his family, but they find that life in The Island isn't that bad after all.

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