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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Acting Opportunity

News flash from Juan Ramos (who played 'The King' last summer for DMTC's "The King and I"), for local males:

I will be directing the Lambda Players upcoming production of "Take Me Out" by Richard Greenberg which won the Tony award for Best Play of 2003.

I am looking specfically for:

  • Two African American or mixed race actors (21-35 years old) to portray Darren Lemming, the lead, and his best friend on an opposing baseball team, Davey Battle.
  • An Asian or mixed race actor (21-35 years old) to portray Takeshi Kawabata, a pitcher recruited from Japan by the New York Empires (based on the New York Yankees). This role requres the actor to be able to recite in Japanese from the script as well as English. The actor chosen will be coached in Japanese dialogue if necessary.
  • Two Latino or mixed race (21-35 years old) to portray Martinez and Rodriguez, two Hispanic baseball players on the New York Empires. These two roles require the actors to recite dialogue in Spanish. Jake Montoya comes to mind and if you can get this information to him, I would appreciate it.
This is a rare opportunity for actors of color to really display their acting chops. As an actor of color myself, these opportunities do not present themselves often in Sacramento. This play is very intense and adult and requires very skilled actors or at the very least, actors who have the guts to tackle these roles. I welcome both.

We had auditions last night and they will be held again tonight (Tuesday, February 21st, 2006) at 7:00 p.m. at the Lambda Players Theatre, 2427 17th Street (Broadway and 17th). I will audition serious interested actors on an individual basis if they are unable to attend auditions tonight. They can contact me during the day at (916) 653-8863 and (916) 428-1555 during the evening hours. Thank you again.

Juan Ramos

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