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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Video Games

This is my nephew Aaron. He has a Playstation II. He plays video games. He plays LOTS of video games!

Aaron uses his gaming skills to drive his hapless elders into mortifying defeats. It wasn't so much being repeatedly shot in the back of the head, while I tried to figure out how to stop gazing at ceiling lights and whirling in circles, that bothered me so much: it was the acute embarrassment.

Here is my nephew's hand. He can fold his thumb sideways and backwards, so it points up the arm. It's not genetic, or else I'd be able to do the same. I blame the video game controller. See, if you play video games long enough, you begin to look like Smeagol. Obey your elders! Stay in one place long enough so I can pop a couple of rounds into your head as well!

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