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Friday, January 20, 2006

Beginning Xcode

Courtesy of Deborah, here is James' book-jacket blurb. The book can be ordered from Amazon:
  • Bringing together the ease of use of Mac OS X, the power of Unix, and a mix of high-performance development technologies, Xcode is Apple's hottest new integrated development environment. This book shows you how Xcode is the fastest and easiest way for developers to create Mac OS X applications.

    Covering the basic fundamentals of Xcode development, veteran programmer and developer James Bucanek explains how Xcode coordinates development in various languages supported by Mac and he offers an in-depth look at the Xcode Developer Tools package. Ultimately, you'll see how Xcode makes it easier for you to develop and maintain applications, and how it can help you achieve a seamless, comfortable, and productive working environment.

    What you will learn from this book:
  • How to set up and control your working environment, create a project, and add source files to it;
  • Ways to edit source files and alter the structure of the project itself;
  • Techniques to starting and controlling the building the process;
  • Various options for running, debugging, and constructing automated test suites for your application;
  • A variety of editing, documentation, design, and analysis aides.

    Who this book is for:

    This book is for C, C++, Objective-C, AppleScript, or Java developers who want to learn to use Xcode so they can write, build, and test programs to run on Mac OS X.

    Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.

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