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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sydney Violence

The U.S. and Australia share a lot of common characteristics, including an insular mindset that can lead to violence towards foreigners. Lots of trouble today in Sydney:
CRONULLA'S day of shame began like any normal Sunday.Families enjoyed a morning swim and early cloud gave way to brilliant December sunshine.

...By midday the beachfront concourse at North Cronulla resembled a summer cricket match with thousands of bare-chested locals chanting and drinking.

A group of mates ran a sausage sizzle from the back of their ute, blasting out favourites by AC/DC and Cold Chisel.

But as the beer flowed the day began to turn ugly. Cries of "f... off Leb" goaded the crowd.

Surfers young and old, bikies, white supremacists, and even families with young children joined in the chants.

Just after 1pm (AEDT) the throng descended on Northies Hotel where a Middle Eastern man was rumoured to be hiding.

The mob screamed for him to show himself, chanting "string him up".

...Two girls of Middle Eastern descent were the next victims. As they walked along the street another group of teenage girls pushed them to the ground and assaulted them.

The baying crowd erupted again, this time with calls of "cat fight" and "kill the Leb b......".

...With the PolAir helicopter overhead, the crowd swarmed towards Cronulla station with talk of catching a train to Bankstown to "bash Lebs".

..."This has been coming. It's not about race, it's about respect and pride," said local volunteer lifesaver Luke O'Brien.

The mob nearby sang "I am, you are, we are Australian".

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