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Friday, December 23, 2005

More Tales of Sacramento at Night: Tumbleweed Snowman

Caption, left: The AMAFCA tumbleweed snowman, in Albuquerque.

I was walking my dog last night about 3 a.m., several blocks from my Curtis Park home, when I came across a toppled tumbleweed snowman in a yard on Third Avenue, not far west of the Sierra II Community Center. It looked like the recent storms and rain had gotten to it, or else they were going for a tumbleweed-snowman-lounging-on-a-divan look that didn't work very well at three in the morning.

Interesting thing is, you don't find tumbleweeds around here: someone went through a lot of trouble to make this snowman. They probably drove to Nevada and sacrificed lots of perfectly-good vehicle storage space for the project. These folks are to be commended for their holiday gusto!

Municipal employees in Albuquerque, NM, assemble a tumbleweed snowman every Christmas in the I-40 freeway median.

The nation needs more tumbleweed snowmen!

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