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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tuesday At The New Theater

On Tuesday, I half-listened to "Into The Woods" rehearsal as I dug hidden dust from behind the seats, and worked with Dian to clean bathrooms. Yesterday, the workers power-washed the concrete portions of the floor, helping a lot regarding dust, but still, there's a considerable amount left where the power-washer either didn't dally, or couldn't get.

Note: Regarding yesterday's blog post, Jan wanted me to make clear that Monique hurt her ankle on a stool she brought from home, and that Steve banged his foot on escape stairs for the show, and that neither incident reflected on safety in the New Theater. I'm sure this is true, but as in any theater, there is always the chance for accidents. Steve, in particular, has a penchant for finding the improbable accident - he could get splinters while sitting in a rubber room - and after the recent carnage regarding toes in Sacramento, I just get worried about us running loose in a new, unfamiliar building.

In any event, today at 5:30 p.m. is Ribbon Cutting!

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