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Monday, November 07, 2005

Strangest Day

I apologize for the light blogging this weekend. Not only was "Victor/Victoria" going full-tilt, but there was a crunch at work, and so I basically have gone nuts this weekend just keeping up.

Steve came over to my house on Sunday morning, to pick up the 'Little Giant' ladder for the New Theater. I didn't want to let it go just yet, since I haven't finished repairing the security light ("V/V" having absorbed all my free time for the last month-and-a-half), but the New Theater's needs are urgent, so I had to bid it farewell for the moment.

Steve said "today is the strangest day ever in the history of DMTC!" He was trying to emphasize just how truly strange it was to have a cue-to-cue tech for "Into The Woods" in an absolutely brand-new theater. "Into The Woods" opens this Friday, with a preview on Thursday, and a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the New Theater, is it, on Wednesday???) Wow!

I know, though, that no matter how strange today might have been, tomorrow will be stranger still. Every day this week will be the strangest day ever in the history of DMTC!

Beyond theater, the strangest thing that happened this weekend was watching a driver trying to negotiate the one-way streets of Sacramento. First, he turned west on "J" St. at 18th, and gummed everything up for everyone. He backed up and headed south on 18th.

Thirty seconds later, I met the same guy again: turning north on 19th St., at "K" St. Two wrong-way turns in the space of two minutes! He was one confused guy! Today was certainly his strangest day!

Downtown Sacramento is really, really scary!

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